Jutta Mark, MA


M.A. BSocSc(Psychology)

Diploma Advanced Hypnotherapy

Reg Member NZAPH

20 years experience


Is it possible to achieve calmness in the eye of storm?

We offer Hypnotherapy for peace of mind health and recovery

and many other applications including smoking secessions

We can teach you Mindfulness, Meditation and Self-Hypnosis

Contact Us

P.O. Box 113

Cambridge 3450

07 827 69 22

021 65 1949



High blood Pressure?

Over 90% of cases of high blood pressure are called Primary or Essential hypertension because there is no identifiable medical cause. And because the lifestyle and emotional factors which cause this form. of high blood pressure need motivation and action on your part to change, doctors can usually only work to manage your symptoms. For many people, this means a lifetime of medication, constant uncertainty and worry about their future. For those who are willing to take action to help themselves, however, there is an alternative.

The Hypotension Alternative

We can work alongside your GP to help you back to better health. We can help you identify and address the emotional and lifestyle factors that are unique to you, and together we can help you to lower or even return your blood pressure to more normal levels. The Hypnotension programme uses proven cognitive techniques and behavioural coaching to help you take control and ensure that high blood pressure is a thing of the past. Think about this... even if worst case you only managed a reduction of 2.5/1.4mmHg using the Hypnotension programme, it would still slash your risk of dying from a stroke by 12- 14% and heart disease by 9-10%1

About Jutta Mark - Hypnotherapist, Cambridge

Jutta Mark is a clinical Hypnotherapist in Cambridge NZ with a special interest in health and psychology. She has practised hypnotherapy since 2003 and has a Diploma of Advanced Hypnotherapy. Jutta has studied psychology at the University of Waikato (BScSoc.Psyc.) Recently she gained a Master of Arts Degree with First Class Honours (University of Waikato). She is at present a student of Psychotherapy.

Read about Women Smokers and Hypertension Risks Here

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a completely natural state, which you enter many times during the day. You are in Hypnosis frequently, when you are concentrating on something of great interest e.g. watching TV or movies, playing computer games. Daydream¬ing and driving over familiar roads or long distances can be other forms of naturally occuring hypnosis. More and more the medical and scientific establishment is researching and acknowledging the connection between mind and body, and recognising Hypnotherapy as a valuable health and therapeutic tool. We have included research and testimonials in this brochure so you can read for yourself how powerful Hypnosis can be.

What does Hypnosis feel like?

Since hypnosis is a natural state of mind, clients are often surprised that they hear what is said to them. You may not feel any different to when you are day-dreaming or relaxing in your favourite easy chair. Usually the overall effect is one of great relaxation - a wonderful break from our stress filled world.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is very simply ... therapy or suggestions, given to you while you are experiencing the state of hypnosis. Positive suggestions, in themselves, can have a very therapeutic effect on the mind and body for self-improvement and/or the release of problems.

Why use Hypnotherapy?

Most people live normal, healthy lives, and yet there may be some aspects they may want to change. For example, getting rid of a phobia, reducing anxiety and stress, or removing a habit. Some may want to improve their memory, concentration or self-confidence. Others to manage chronic pain or dental nerves, or have a painless childbirth. Clients often say they have tried using will-power or other methods, but have not achieved the changes wanted. Changes need to take place at a subconscious level, because this is where our automatic patterns, habits and responses are established. This is where Hypnotherapy comes into its own as a powerful and useful therapy.

Does Hypnotherapy work?

You may be interested to know that Hypnotherapy was accepted by both the British and American Medical Association in the 1950's.

How many sessions will I need?

Everyone responds differently to hypnosis. You will need to discuss the goal you want to achieve with your Hypnotherapist, who will be able to give you an idea of how many sessions you may require.

How can I learn self-hypnosis?

The best way to learn self-hypnosis is by asking a qualified Hypnotherapist to teach you. It is easy and quick to learn. And you can use it to make improvements in any area of your life. Usually in just a few sessions you can learn the self-hypnosis technique, experience Hypnosis, and learn how to structure the right suggestions for your goal. A follow up session will answer any questions and re-enforce the benefits you are achieving.